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Schedule a Tattoo
Have i tattoooed you before?
Are you local traveling? If traveling, where from?
When are you looking to get tattooed? Please note that i book 1-2 months at a time.

Please upload a few reference pictures and a couple clear, straight on pictures of the area you would like tattooed. Do not take the pictures yourself or in the mirror 


** Please have somebody else take the pictures so they are straight. I make my designs to fit the body so its important so have a clear picture to work from.

Referance picture 1
Referance picture 2
Referance picture 3
Body part 1
Body part 2
Body part 3
Referance picture 4

Thanks so much for choosing me to do your tattoo! Please note that due to a high volume of requests, I am unable to accommodate everyone. At this time, I'm currently accepting mostly large scale work based around portraiture. With this being said, every request is reviewed and if I feel that it is something better suited for a different artist, I am more than happy to refer you to someone who may be a better fit.

I strive to make a piece of beautiful art for you and only want the best outcome possible.

I sincerely appreciate every single request and look forward to working with you!

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